Peace, Love and Grief… Strong… Balanced

Being strong isn’t necessarily being balanced.” ~ unknown

Whoa… Isn’t that the truth?! Since Bruce died, that has been my struggle… Trying to be strong and balanced. But so much of the time, I’m not sure how to do both. I know I have gotten stronger as time has passed, but I wouldn’t say I’m always balanced… Mainly because I know there are times when my answer to the challenge at hand might be stoic reserve, while other times my answer is tears. Often times, people see the quiet response as strength, and the tears as unbalanced, especially after so many years. Then again, to be vulnerable… to be honest about your emotions, doesn’t that require some strength too? So, which is it? Do I let the world be my compass, or do I go with my gut?

Last week I received some news that left me in tears… absolutely broke my heart. I have cried for days. I don’t understand how people can be so mean (for lack of any other word). All week, as I recall their words, I have cried – sometimes out loud and sometimes just in my heart… I haven’t responded to them or in front of them. What is there to say when someone else has made their point clear? Whether you agree or not, doesn’t really matter. They have said what they want to say. My choice is to argue or acceptance. I have chosen acceptance… Mostly because I learned that from Bruce.

While he would never back down from a conversation – an honest dialogue between two respectful people – people who truly listened to each other and cared. On the other hand, he was never one to waste his breath arguing with someone who wasn’t going to listen… Someone who had made up their mind and already shut the door on any conversation. Once again, his legacy… his person… his absolute being has given me strength and reminds me that my choice comes in my own reaction, and that is where I can find my strength.

Bruce was a quiet man. He always thought things through before he spoke. He made sure that whatever he had to say would make a difference. If not, why bother? Why waste your breath? It just isn’t worth the energy in those situations. When he was here, I didn’t always get it. I mean, I appreciated that he was so rational. But sometimes, I would think, “Just get it out,” “Say what you think,” “Go ahead… Put it out there.” While I hate an argument, sometimes waiting through the silence as he gathered his thoughts seemed worse… But it wasn’t… There was a lot of wisdom born in those moments.

I knew that was just his way… He was always comfortable with his own thoughts. If you really wanted a conversation, he welcomed it. If not, that was not on him, it was on you. I guess, now (seven + years later) I find myself feeling the same.

So back to the strength and balance…

Yes, there are still times when I feel myself being overwhelmed by waves of grief. And while I understand there are some people who are uncomfortable with that, it’s just not my problem… not really. In the years since Bruce’s death, I have gotten better at hiding those emotions, even from the people who are closest to me. I know I am much stronger than I used to be. I can manage those emotions. I can push them down deep inside and keep moving. Does that necessarily mean I am doing better? Am I stronger? Balanced? Honestly, what in the world does that even mean?

To tell you the truth, I have no answer. I do push my emotions down deep much of the time. I can move through life and act like all is well… That my heart was never broken… That my soul is whole. But… deep inside, I know better. And sometimes in the dark of night, I cry.

This week, this thing that happened left me feeling pushed aside… ignored… unwanted. Maybe it’s just me, but I really don’t think so. It’s just a hard situation. It hurts. I hate it. I want to fight it, I want to scream, but that wouldn’t change anything. Instead, I have taken the time to gather my own thoughts. I know that everyone makes their own choices, including me. I’m not angry at anyone… They will do what they do… And I will do what I do… And I will follow Bruce’s lead… Since I know I can’t change it, I just have to let it go. It is what it is.

For the rest of this journey without Bruce, I will have to face situations that are hard… Situations that break my heart. I can only do so much. I am only so strong. But when the day is done, I want to look in the mirror and say, “I am as strong as I can be (at this time). Whether others understand or accept this is on them, not me. I love them, and that is all I can do.” … Then, I have to let it go… And this is the strength that has given me the perspective to find some balance in a situation where I struggled to find either when it first happened.

Learning to navigate through this journey is different for everyone… We all move through it at our own pace and in our own way… What one person sees as strength; another may see as weakness. Where one person finds balance, another may struggle to gain any equilibrium at all. We are all different, and just doing the best we can in a world that can feel overwhelming at times. What about you? Have you managed to find strength and balance? Is it better some days than others? Do things happen that push you to the limits of your strength? Would you like to share your story or ask a question? Do you need a helping hand or even a virtual hug? Let us know… we are here for you. To leave a comment or story, go to the comments and leave us a note. *

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