Peace, Love and Grief… What to Focus On

Do you ever have one of those weeks where everything seems to go wrong? Well, for me, this was one of those weeks. The whole week has felt like an uphill battle…

It started on Monday with a dentist appointment that seemed destined not to happen. It has been rescheduled multiple times (by them, not me). The Thursday prior, they had called to remind me. (Thank goodness!) During that conversation, I thanked her because I had mixed up the dates in my head due to all the reschedules. However, my calendar confirmed she was right, and all was well. Therefore, you can imagine my shock when I walked in for my noon appointment, and the receptionist said, “You don’t have an appointment today.”

There was a part of me that almost believed her. Instead, I reminded her that she had called me to remind me. “Are you sure,” she asked. “I don’t think you are one of our patients. Maybe you’re supposed to be at our other office.”

“I am one of your patients,” I responded. “You cleaned my teeth in July, inspected a crown in December and have rescheduled this appointment several times over the last few months.”

“I don’t think so,” she replied. At this point, even I was beginning to doubt myself. So, I pulled out the card they gave me along with my phone and read out the number that had called me on Thursday. “Oh, that’s us,” was all she said.

At this point, the office manager got involved. There was some more “you-must-be-mistaken” conversation, before she finally shrugged and said, “Just reschedule her again.”

To say I was frustrated at both the situation and their lack of customer service would be an understatement! But the appointment was rescheduled for Wednesday, only two days away… And what a disaster that turned out to be.

In the middle of the cleaning, the hygienist left to take a call. As I lay there waiting for over 20 minutes, I was worried on her behalf for whatever emergency would pull her away. However, when she returned, I learned it was not an emergency… Just bad service. Then to top it all off, when the dentist came in, he was so enamored with himself, I couldn’t get a word in edgewise to discuss my concerns about my teeth. The whole appointment was a train wreck!

And that was just the beginning of the week… There were frustrations at work – nothing big really… Just one thing behind the next and no time to catch my breath. I began to feel like Charlie Brown when Lucy convinces him to kick the football while she pulls it away… over and over and over. Do you know what I mean?

Then there was yesterday… I went to have my taxes done. First, my taxes are simply. I don’t need to itemize, and they always use the short form. Even with all the medical expenses this past year, there was still no need to itemize.

However, the woman doing my taxes messed them up repeatedly. First, I owed over $2000. Then I was getting back $115. Then I owed $285. It was crazy! She kept asking the other representative for help, sending me home, calling me to come back, and sending me home again. The craziest part – as I write this my taxes still aren’t done, and the lack of competence and professionalism has left me dumbfounded!

After all the negativity and craziness this week, I decided I needed some time at the beach… Some “me time” in the place where Bruce and I spent so much time. For years, the beach has been that place for me. It is the place I seek out when the world becomes more than I can handle. It is the place where I can relax… and breathe… and let the beach and tides work their magic…

I sat there watching the rhythm of the waves as the tide worked its way out, and the magic started… I began to realize I can focus on all the crap that has happened this week, (and there was certainly a lot of that), or I can find those moments where someone or something made me smile…

For example, on the way to the beach I stopped to get a sandwich to take to the beach. I almost didn’t stop because the manager is usually a grump, and I didn’t need more of that. But today, he was all smiles – laughing and joking with me the whole time. Before I left, I thanked him for making me smile. However, I don’t think he realized what a huge difference it made for me – Just a smile… Just a kind word… But it really turned my heart around.

And at work… My boss was more than understanding about the multiple dental appointments and allowed me to work from home in order to make it all work. I also received a gift from a coworker. I always use the quote “Not my circus, not my monkeys” as a reminder to stay out of stuff that isn’t our business. Well, my coworker made me a cup with my name on one side and a twist to the quote on the other, “Looks like that is my circus and these are my monkeys after all.” It makes me laugh every time I use it!

Then, there are the many hugs and kind words from my grandson, my daughter, and my son this week. I even managed some great phone conversations with my other two daughters and my sister – all wonderful, fabulous additions to my week!

But one of the best things that happened this week only happens once or twice a year. Sometimes it is a dream about Bruce, sometimes it is subtle symbols, and other times it happens like this… I was home alone and just waking up from a nap. As I lay there with my eyes still closed, I felt something touch my hand. Then, there was a warmth that spread, and it felt like something was holding my hand. I wasn’t scared, but I didn’t dare move… I didn’t want the moment to end, because I knew… Every now and then I am blessed… I knew it was Bruce… And I would swear I could feel him hug me close. It didn’t last long – probably less than a minute or two, but I relished every moment.

I know most people will think I am nuts and not believe a bit of this… And there are those who will feel compassionate and swear it must have been a dream… And there will be a (very) few who will believe me. Honestly, it doesn’t matter… Whatever it was, it was beautiful! And in those moments, all the love and honesty and friendship we shared came flooding back… And I smiled because we loved each other once… and that hasn’t changed.

As I remembered that moment, I realized that this week I could focus on all the negative. However, I believe I was blessed with a lot of positives too, especially this one… and that is what I will choose to focus on as this week comes to a close.

What about you? Do you ever struggle with focusing on the positive? Do you have a place where you can go to find your center and remember all the blessings in your life? This journey is hard, but it is even harder to bear alone. I believe we are in this together. We are not alone. Please feel free to reach out and share your story or thoughts. To do so, go to the comments and leave a note. * Who knows? Your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

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Peace, Love and Grief… That’s Not What I Ordered!

I never thought I would live without you…
But I do.
I never thought I would spend the holidays alone…
But I have.
I never thought I would celebrate life’s joys alone…
But I will.
I don’t know what I am supposed to learn from all of this…
But I keep searching…
There must be something…
I just need to find it.
~ Linda, 2013

We have a great Mexican restaurant in our town. The food is always fresh, and the servers are attentive and hard-working. In my experience, the only drawback seems to be language barriers. Between my Spanish and their English, we can usually understand each other. However, there have been times when I what ordered and what I received were two different things.

Obviously, I can’t say this is the only restaurant where this has happened, because I’m sure if you have ever eaten out, you too have experienced something similar. Over my lifetime, it has happened many times and in many places. I’ll also admit, if it looks okay or it’s not a major difference, I won’t usually say anything – I’ll just go ahead and eat it. (Although, in the back of my mind, I can’t help but think it wasn’t what I ordered.) However, if it isn’t at all to my taste, whether it is good or bad is irrelevant. At that point, I’ll usually let them know it wasn’t what I ordered…

So, either way, I guess that is bottom line… Good or bad… When it isn’t what I ordered, there is disappointment on some level, .

When I was thinking about this the other day, I couldn’t help but compare this to my life right now.

People will ask me how I’m doing or make a comment about how much “better” I’m doing… And all I can think is they have no idea. This grief thing is not a positive vs negative thing… It’s not about feeling better today than I did yesterday about losing Bruce, nor is it about healing… That’s all crap!

I will always miss Bruce. I will always wish he were still here beside me. There really isn’t anything positive to feel here. Instead, when they ask me, I find myself thinking, “This isn’t what I thought my life was going to be. This isn’t what we had planned.” In other words, “This isn’t what I ordered!”

But that isn’t what I say… Because unlike my restaurant experiences, it doesn’t matter if I like this or not… Or if I can make do or not. I don’t have the option of sending this back and getting what I wanted. Instead, I simply have keep on going and learn to live with it…

However, this is where my choice to be positive or negative kicks in.

This is where I have to decide how I want to experience the rest of my life… Do I want to live my life in bitterness and frustration over what isn’t? Or do I want to live my life focusing on the (sometimes hidden) blessings of each day?

Admittedly, some days are harder than others. I don’t reprimand myself for those days… I let myself feel what I feel. Those emotions are valid and need to be addressed. However, I also don’t want that to be my primary outlook on life.

Instead, remembering to find the blessings of each day is my goal. Reminding myself that the river doesn’t try to push the rocks out of its way, but instead, flows around them… This is my goal, and I know I have to do it one day at a time. So, each morning, I pray that “Just for today, I will appreciate my blessings.”

This is my way of remembering that life is made up of both positive and negative… It is what I choose to focus on, that will determine my outlook… And that is a day by day, moment by moment experience.

“Don’t run from negative or to positive – both are a part of life.” ~ Dr. Susan Delaney

Each of us dealing with loss knows what a tough road this can be. I don’t think it is ever an easy one to accept. It’s not what we planned or what we wanted. I know finding the blessings in life can be easier some days than others, but I can’t let myself give up… even on the tough days. Have you ever felt that way? Would you be willing to share your story or thoughts? To do so, go to the comments and leave a note. *

Who knows… your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

* Be advised that all comments are subject to approval prior to posting. Any comments determined to be spam or not in accordance with the mission of this website/blog will not be approved or posted. Furthermore, any comments determined to be hostile in nature will be reported to the proper authorities. Thank you!