Peace, Love, and Grief… Like the Tides

The day is almost done,
And once again,
My heart is breaking.
The clock chimes –
Each stroke – a reminder of every year that has passed.
Each birthday celebrated with an empty chair,
And no one to blow out the candles.
The tears slide down my face,
And yet, I smile as I remember you…
Your laugh,
Your grin,
Your sense of humor,
But mostly,
Your love.
Happy birthday to the man
Who was my hero and my heart.
You are not forgotten…
You are missed… and still loved.
~ Linda, 2023

Happy birthday, Babe! I can’t believe another birthday has come and gone without you here… I miss you so much!

As I sit here on the beach thinking of you, it has occurred to me how the seasons of our lives come and go – like the ebb and flow of the tides… (No wonder so many poets and songwriters use that phrase.) There is no effort extended – life just happens – the good… the bad… and the in-between.

This year has already included all of that (and we are only in April!). There has been new life to celebrate and deaths to mourn. There have been times filled with love and laughter, and other times of tears and rejection… and all the stuff in the middle. You know… the normal everyday stuff that we tend to forget even though it probably fills up most of our days.

I miss sharing all of that with you… I miss laughing with you and crying with you… But mostly I miss all the in-between, normal, doing nothing with you.

Today I keep thinking about all those birthdays we spent with your folks. What a fun time! I miss that! We didn’t do a lot – the beach during the day and chilling with your folks at night… And yet, it was some of the best “doing-nothing” times that I can remember.

Then, we moved here, where the beach is practically in our backyard. (Well, not quite – but close enough!) Once we were settled, “doing-nothing” at the beach became our Sunday routine… God, how I miss that!

Becoming still, I reflect on life-giving space to thoughts, memories, feelings, and ideas of where I have been and where I want to go.

~ Daily Word, December 21, 2022

The thing is, I am still trying to figure out the “where I want to go” part. I am trying though, more than I ever have… I am “getting out and doing” as much as I am “staying put and not doing”. Honestly, though, I’m not too worried about any of it. After all this… if there is one thing I know, it is the fact that life has a way of placing us exactly where we need to be when we need to be there…. I just have to remain open to it… and all the possibilities.

This year has already held a lot of losses for me. I grieve what I have lost, which turns around and makes me grieve for you, too. What I wouldn’t give to feel your arms around me, reminding me that I am loved and it will all be okay.

I know, the more I sit here and write today, the more I start to feel sorry for myself, but I shouldn’t! I have been and continue to be so incredibly blessed… I have great friends. I have a wonderful family (both yours and mine) who love me, and rally around me when I need it… And you… I had you, Babe, and all the wonder and magic you brought into my life. Even now, I relish the precious memories day in and day out.

Thank you for that… and for still being my strength in one of the hardest years since you died.
I love you, Babe – now and forever!

I have been a long time on my own now.
I still hate it.
I miss your touch –
The gentle caresses that said, “I love you.”

I miss your smile and laughter –
The look in your eye that reminded me
Not to take life so seriously.

I miss your arms –
The way you held me close and
Made my fears and insecurities melt away.

I miss your friendship –
The unconditional love and acceptance you always put forward,
Which encouraged me to just be me.

In other words…
I miss you, Babe,
And I think I always will.
~ Linda, 2023

Grief changes us. This journey is not an easy path for anyone. Learning to function on this new path is hard, and it is easy to lose our way or forget that we don’t have to do it alone. I don’t think any of us chose to be here… I know I didn’t. Yet, this is where life has landed us for now… This is where we are. Our lives are now filled with challenges we never imagined and emotions that feel overwhelming at times. So often, I think I have it all figured out, only to find that isn’t true at all. Despite the years since Bruce passed, my life is still filled with challenges, as I am sure yours is too. This year, my goal is to simply ‘be’… Be me, be kind, be compassionate, be loving, be hopeful… to just ‘BE’ and to be comfortable with that… however it looks.

Thankfully, I know I am not alone… None of us are… We have each other. It is our love for those we have lost that brings us together into this space where we can share our experiences. I believe the sharing of our stories is so important… I believe it is healing. Do you have a story to tell? I believe we can find courage and strength in one another’s stories. I believe we can offer each other empathy when we open our hearts to one another. I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel better knowing there are others out there who understand what I mean, and what I feel. It’s nice to know I’m not alone… Maybe this strikes a chord with you too. We would all love to hear your thoughts or your story. If you would like to share your experience or if you need a helping hand or maybe a virtual hug, let us know. We are here for you.

Please do… This is our community. To share your thoughts and experiences go to the comments and leave your message.*

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

* Be advised that all comments are subject to approval prior to posting. Any comments determined to be spam or not in accordance with the mission of this website/blog will not be approved or posted. Furthermore, any comments determined to be hostile in nature will be reported to the proper authorities. Thank you.

Peace, Love and Grief… A Birthday Present for Bruce

For as long as I knew him (and probably before that), Bruce always spent his birthday with his folks. The first year I had only known him a few months when he invited me to join him at his parents’ home to celebrate his birthday. At that time, they lived in a small town just outside Pensacola, on the Alabama side of the border, called Lillian. I was so nervous about going, but it was a magical weekend… And it wasn’t even my birthday.

During that weekend, I learned just how important family was to this man I had fallen in love with… Which only made me love him that much more. With the exception of 2011, we traveled there every year to celebrate his birthday, and it became the highlight of springtime for both us. When we were in Michigan, it was a much-needed break from the never-ending winter, while celebrating life with people we loved. Then, once we moved to Florida, it was a day’s drive over with the same results… Always a magical week filled with love, laughter, sunshine, and relaxation.

As I said, that was every year except 2011… That was the year we bought our home here in Florida. So, instead of going to their house, Bruce’s parents came here and helped us move into our new home. This time it was a sweat-filled weekend, but it was still wonderful. We joked all weekend about Bruce getting a house for his birthday gift.

Bruce and I were so excited! While we owned our condo in Michigan, it had actually been Bruce’s before we got married. This was different… It was a home… with a yard… and we had picked it out together. This was truly our home.

It isn’t a secret, (I have written about it before), before Bruce and I were married, I lost everything. Partially due to a bitter divorce and the other part was a simple lack of knowledge about my options. Either way there was a financial mess left from my first marriage. There were some things (like credit card debt I didn’t know existed) to my ex-husband’s refusal to sign paperwork (which ended in the loss of property) to a very bad investment with a family friend (which was later deemed a Ponzi scheme).

However, when I married Bruce, he introduced me to Dave Ramsey’s money management system. It was one of the most practical things I have ever learned. Throughout our marriage, Bruce still preferred to handle the household budget. Since we married later in life, we chose to keep separate accounts, while I pitched in a percentage to the family budget. All of which was fine with me… I was learning… Not just how to budget my money, but how to make it actually work for me.

So, years later when we bought this house, I was much more savvy with money, (although still learning). In my previous marriage, we had moved and purchased several homes, so I thought I knew all about buying houses. But this time, it was so different. Back then, it was about finding “the” house. A house we just “had to have.” Said house also needed to be at the top end of what we could possibly afford. (I don’t know why… That was just the mindset in my first marriage.)

However, Bruce taught me something so different. To start, he explained that we needed to find a home that we could afford on one income, just in case the time ever came when we needed to live off one income vs two. Also, (and he was very adamant about this one), don’t fall in love with a house… I can’t even begin to count the number of times he said, “We have to be willing to walk away at any point.” At first, I thought it was all kind of silly, but it proved to be the best advice ever.

When we finally decided to make the purchase, we chose a 15-year mortgage. The plan, however, was to make double payments and pay it off in seven to eight years instead. Keep in mind, during this time, Bruce was still managing the money. As a consequence, during the one and a half years we lived here together, I only asked once if we were making double payments. He said, “yes,” and I left it at that.

When he died, however, I learned that wasn’t quite true. He had made one double payment… only one. (I am guessing it was the same month I asked. LOL!) In hindsight, I know a lot of our budget went to travel, which I don’t regret for a moment. I also think I should have been pitching in more money to the budget. However, I didn’t know, and he hadn’t said a word.

Whatever the reason, when he died, I learned the truth…

But… like I said, it was okay… I don’t regret any of the travel, and difficult conversations were never easy for either of us. But at that point, I decided I was going to meet that deadline… Come hell or high water, I was going to prove to myself (and him) that we could do this.

So last week, almost 8 years to the date, (I was three days early), I made the last payment on this house… Another birthday present for Bruce… and me! As I walked out of the bank that day, and as I sat at the beach on his birthday this weekend, all I kept saying was, …

We did it, Babe! You taught me how… You set me up for success… and we did it! Our home is really ours now!… So, Happy Birthday, Babe! I love you!”

What about you? Does the love you shared still influence how you live your life now? Did your loved one leave a legacy that set you up for success? Have you been able to accomplish a dream you both shared? If not, is that an area where you struggle or don’t know how to move forward? If so, you’re not alone… We all know this journey is hard, but it is even harder to bear alone. I believe we are in this together. None of us are alone, because we have each other. Please feel free to reach out and share your story or thoughts. To do so, go to the comments and leave a note. *

Who knows? Your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

* Be advised that all comments are subject to approval prior to posting. Any comments determined to be spam or not in accordance with the mission of this website/blog will not be approved or posted. Furthermore, any comments determined to be hostile in nature will be reported to the proper authorities. Thank you.

Peace, Love and Grief… Happy Birthday, Babe!

Over the last four years, this week has become one of the harder weeks of the year for me. It is the week of Bruce’s birthday. It makes me smile to think when he was alive, we usually spent this week celebrating with his parents on the Gulf Coast. It was always a week we looked forward to every year, and it was filled with family time, card games, beach time… and mostly love and laughs. Now, I only take his birthday off, and while I try to make it a day of celebrating the man and his life, it is still a day which holds a certain amount of sadness.

I want to be honest and share some of what I felt… Some of this may sound like self-pitying, ranting, but since my journal (and this blog) are the only places I feel safe enough to express myself without holding back, I believe anyone else experiencing loss will understand… There is a frustration that is not normally expressed, but isn’t healthy to completely ignore either…

Journal Entry – 4/12

Hi Babe! Tomorrow is your birthday (and the anniversary of your memorial). I still miss you more that anything… Sometimes I feel like I can’t even breathe – like tonight. I still don’t understand… Why us? Why were we only given a few short years? I know so many people who don’t love their spouses… They stay together because it’s comfortable (or convenient). But you and I – two people who loved each other more than anything – we were ripped apart… I don’t get it… Why? For what purpose? Is this really the act of a loving God? A caring universe? I just want you back! I just want us back! I want to feel you hold me – feel your breath as you whisper in my ear, and your sweet gentle kisses on my neck. (sigh) How long? This hurts so much! I try to stay busy these days so I don’t have a lot of time to get inside my own head. But when I do, I still hurt; I still miss you… and I still love you! I pray God will help me though tomorrow… : ( I love you, Babe! (Always and forever!)

Journal Entry – 4/13

Happy Birthday, Babe! Today is bittersweet… I am beyond thankful for you and our time together. I feel absolutely blessed to have known you, held you and loved you… And so incredibly sad that you are gone. This still hurts so bad. I thought by now (after four years) I would have moved on… or at least not hurt this much… But I was wrong. People have sent me lots of messages today to say they are praying for me. I appreciate that – I really do, but I don’t want prayers… I want you! I want this stupid, horrible nightmare to end! I want to see you smile and hear you laugh. I want to sit side-by-side on the beach holding your hand. I want to hug you and lay in your arms. I want to hear your voice and tell you “I love you.” I want all these things… and more. But I can’t have any of it, so I guess the prayers aren’t just kind gestures… I guess I really need them. : (

I went for a (very slow) bridge walk this morning – not for the exercise, but to just breathe the salt air and observe the wildlife… to just “be”… and remember all the times we did just that together. : ) Now I am sitting on the beach, where four years ago we watched from the shore as your ashes were scattered offshore, and we did our best to say our good-byes. I have “toasted” you with coconut rum (in honor of the islands where we met, fell in love and honeymooned so many years ago). It feels right to celebrate you simply and at the beach.

While we were usually in Gulf Shores, we always spent the day on the beach – drinking, napping, meeting and talking to new people and loving our time together… Little did I know how precious that time was… To quote Andy Bernard (The Office – Final Episode), “I wish we knew we were in the ‘good old days’ while we are still in them” … Yeah – me too!

I remember our first “Bruce’s Birthday Vacation” we took together. We had only known each other a few months, but we already knew we had a “forever” thing. We both flew to your folks’ place and met up at the airport. Since ours was a long-distance relationship, we just held each other for what felt like an eternity. I don’t think either of us wanted to let go.

I remember driving to their house and meeting your parents for the first time. (I was so nervous!) But they were extremely kind… I remember your Dad telling me that he knew he already loved me, because he loved anyone who could put such a smile back on your face after so many years. Then in the next moment, he grabbed my left hand, asked where the ring was and when we were getting married. LOL!

We were both horribly embarrassed, but that didn’t stop him. He pushed that topic all weekend. (But, to his credit, he was right. Seven months later, we were saying “I do” just as he predicted.) : ) (sigh)

I miss you, Babe… I hate that I am sitting here alone… I love you! Happy Birthday, Babe!

Memories of your last birthday here popped up on my Face Book: On This Day feature this morning… You had gone the week before your birthday to your folks’ (without me, since I had to work), so you and your sister could celebrate your birthdays together. You had fun, but you and I argued about something ugly you said to me while you were gone. What did you do?… You came home with flowers, hugs, kisses and a genuine apology.

Since you had been gone that week, though, you had to work on your actual birthday – Something you hadn’t done since I met you, but a trade-off you had made. On your birthday, I had “Birthday Fairy” gifts (2) for you (as usual). They weren’t much – some craft beer you liked and some BBQ tools, but you smiled and said, “Thank you.”

That night I had plenty of time to make your cake, wrap your presents and decorate the house before you got home. But you came home in a mood! Whoa! I don’t know what had transpired, but you came home pissed! You could barely look at or talk to me. When I carefully asked about cake and presents, you just said “no” and stormed off to bed. I was absolutely crushed! It was so unlike you! I remember Skyping with my dear friend, Caroline, and crying my eyes out. To this day, I still don’t know exactly what happened. All I know is the next day we hardly spoke, and I went on to bed before you even came home… your cake and presents still sitting on the table.

The following day, (two days after your birthday), I was sitting on the couch when you came home, sat beside me, took my hand, and kissed it. Then, you apologized. You said you had been dumb. You didn’t realize there was cake and more presents. (Not sure how you missed them.) You thought I had ignored your birthday for the most part, and you were hurt. Then, you asked if we could have cake and open your presents. I forgave you (of course) and we finally did the cake and presents thing… But to this day, I don’t understand what really happened… And I hate that your last birthday here was probably your worst… I’m sorry if I did something to screw it up, Babe. I’m sorry your last birthday wasn’t the best birthday… We didn’t know it would be your last… I’m sorry.

Now as I write this blog, Bruce’s birthday has passed, and Easter is here. According to my faith, it is a celebration of resurrection… a reminder that our life here isn’t really the end. I believe in eternal life – I do – and it does bring me some comfort knowing that I will see Bruce again one day – that (eventually) we will be together for the rest of forever. However, that does not hold much comfort in the day to day living of my life… this life without Bruce.

Right now, I am alone… He is gone and I am still here… and (most likely) it will be that way for many years. Sometimes I wonder if he will be by my side when it is finally my time to go? Will he still love me then?… I believe so… I believe this love we share is beyond this time and space… But “one day” is not today, so, what do I do with all of that for now?

Well… I will continue to celebrate the man, his life and his legacy. I will be thankful for what was and look forward to what will be… And I will continue to learn how to live and enjoy the present… one celebration at a time… one day at a time… one step at a time…

Learning to navigate through this journey is different for everyone… We all move through it at our own pace and in our own way. Perhaps you have had moments like I had this week. Perhaps the birthday of your loved one or celebrations of life bring on similar or even different thoughts and emotions. If so, would you be willing to share your experience? Perhaps there is someone else out there who needs to hear your story too. If you are someone who needs a helping hand or even a virtual hug, let us know… we are here for you. To leave a comment or story, go to the comments and leave us a note. (1)

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

1 Be advised that all comments are subject to approval prior to posting. Any comments determined to be spam or not in accordance with the mission of this website/blog will not be approved or posted. Furthermore, any comments determined to be hostile in nature will be reported to the proper authorities. Thank you.

2 The Birthday Fairy comes the night before your birthday while you are sleeping and leaves small gifts for you to open as soon as you wake up. (This is to make it easier to wait until the “big celebration” at the end of the day to open all the “real” birthday gifts.) This has been a tradition in our family since my children were little. I had introduced Bruce to this tradition on our first birthday vacation to his parent’s home years earlier.

Peace, Love and Grief… To celebrate or not to celebrate

This past week would have been Bruce’s 56th birthday. Because I didn’t want to cry at the office and I wasn’t sure how emotional I would feel, I made plans to work from home. (After 3 years, most people have either forgotten or don’t know about Bruce so it can just get real weird real fast if I have to explain.) Also, I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do… I only knew I wanted to do something to celebrate his life.

When I mentioned to some of my friends that I would not be at work the next day and why, one asked, “Are you sure? Celebrating Bruce?… Is that healthy?”

It’s strange – in that moment I realized just how far I have actually come on this journey. A year ago, that question would have frustrated me to no end. Now, I recognize it for what it is… a sincere, caring person who honestly doesn’t know and is only asking – not judging. I’ve learned not be offended when people question what I do these days. In fact, I actually thought about it for a moment, considered his question honestly and then responsed, “Yes. For me, it is very healthy.”

I wasn’t on this journey very long before I realized that each person is different. For some of us, celebrating and remembering our loved ones on special days is vital to our grieving process. For others it may be a day filled with nothing but sadness and grief. And for just as many others, they feel it is best to pick up and move on without looking back. None of these are wrong… It just depends on who you are, where you are on your journey and what you need to do… Then you just need to do it, and pay no attention to what the rest of the world says or thinks.

The first year, Bruce’s birthday was just a few months after he had passed away. That year on his birthday, his family and mine gathered together. We held his memorial and scattered his ashes in the ocean off the beach. That spot at the beach is so special to me now… I spend a lot of time there. On special occasions, such as his birthday, I always bring something to commemorate the occasion. So I knew I would spend time at “our spot” on the beach – that would be the main objective and destination for my celebration.

When I awoke, my first thoughts were “Thank you, God. Thank you for Bruce’s life and how it changed mine. Thank you for walking beside me today and giving me the strength to keep on going.” Those are sincere words, but I won’t lie… I had several tear-filled moments throughout the day. I miss him. But I also knew that I could either spend the day wallowing in grief and sadness and make the day all about me. OR… I could allow myself the tears within reason but dedicate the day to celebrating the man who changed my world. (I have learned, celebrating is the healthier choice for me.)

The day was beautiful – blue skies, a nice breeze and 80 degree weather. It was just high tide as I made my way to the beach. Since it was the middle of the week, the beach was almost completely void of people. The privacy afforded by the empty dunes was wonderful. I could talk to Bruce, sing, cry, shout… whatever… no one was close enough to even notice. I brought a couple of Cannoli Rum shots for a toast – one for me and one for Bruce. : ) I also brought a birthday cupcake to “share.” I spent the next several hours on the beach – relaxing some, walking some, but always reminiscing – stories that made me laugh or cry… or both.


Once I returned home, I poured a glass of wine, put on “our song” and spent the evening looking at photo albums, starting from Bruce’s birth up through a few weeks before he passed. I pulled out old notes and cards – reading the messages and remembering the precious memories surrounding each one.

All in all it was a beautiful day filled with laughter, tears and sweet, sweet memories. So the question was, “Are you sure? Celebrating Bruce? Is that healthy?” I still say, “Yes.”

Why? Because I want him to know he is not forgotten… And I want to do something to let the world know he was here… But the main reason I celebrate is because…

The end of the story is never the end of the story… Bruce’s legacy of love and kindness will continue to live on in those of us who knew him…

And I want to celebrate that!

What about you? Do you still celebrate your loved one in some way? It may be something simple or it may be something grand… Would you be willing to share it with us?

Please do… This is our community. To share your thoughts and experiences go to the comments and leave your message.*

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

* Be advised that all comments are subject to approval prior to posting. Any comments determined to be spam or not in accordance with the mission of this website/blog will not be approved or posted. Furthermore, any comments determined to be hostile in nature will be reported to the proper authorities. Thank you.