Peace, Love and Grief… Changes

Changes… Lots of changes… I sometimes think might be one of the hardest parts of losing someone you love… all of the unending changes. It seems like every time I feel as I am getting steady on my feet again, I find one more thing in my life that has or is changing. And, yes, I know that is life in general, but this is different… These are changes that seem to have a direct connection back to Bruce and the reality of losing this man I love so very much.

Some things that have changed are things I expected, such as the empty chair at the table, or only my car in the driveway. Those were the concrete reminders of life without Bruce. However, there have been other changes, less visible yet much more profound.

I think two of the biggest areas of change for me are my own personality and, as a direct result, many of my relationships…

While I have heard it before, over the last few weeks, I have read several articles about the impact of traumatic events, and how they change us. I know it’s true… I have no doubt, because in my experience, after 23 years in a chaotic marriage, the change was huge. I had gone from being a confident (and probably a little bit stubborn) person before the marriage to being someone who struggled with trust and had absolutely no self-confidence by the end. It took years of counseling, patience, and tons of unconditional love to move through the debris that had been left of in the wake of that trauma.

But in my mind, the worst was over. I wasn’t a victim; I was a survivor! I had mustered up the courage I needed one last time and left. I had made changes. And with Bruce in my corner, I had once again found that self-confidence from years ago.

But then, just as quickly as he had come into my life, he was gone, and my world went black… Forget being confident… Forget anything… I struggled with the mere thought of simply taking my next breath.

All my life
I knew you were missing.
Then, like a miracle
You were there.
Just as suddenly,
You were gone.
My soul cries…

~ Linda, October 2020

Talk about a traumatic event… It has been almost eight years, and it still brings tears to my eyes several times a week. It’s funny… I like to think I am “back to normal”, but sometimes things happen, and I realize “back to normal” may be an impossible destination for me.

The other day, this came to my attention when a friend made a simple comment… not one meant to hurt… not one said with any type of animosity… Simply a comment made as a matter of course… A simply stated fact.

There were several of us women talking, although I can’t honestly tell you what the conversation was about. I remember saying something to the effect of “… Losing Bruce was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced.” To which my friend gently touched my arm and simply said, “I know… It really changed you.” And the conversation moved on.

I’ve thought about that a lot since then. She’s right… I am not the same person I was eight years ago. I think I’m more quiet… more introverted… and probably more serious… I have to push myself in social situations, because many times, I would be just as content not to be there in the first place. But I am there, because I want to show the same love and acceptance to others that has been shown to me… So I go, and I push myself past my comfort zone.

As I think about where I was, where I am and my friend’s comment, I realize that if I’m honest, I think there have been other friends through the years who have tried to say the same thing. I think sometimes, not often, it has been said in the hopes that I will “fix” myself and go back to being the person they used to know “before”. However, I think most of the time it is said as a simple acceptance of who I am now… an acceptance that this was a traumatic event in my life which changed parts of my soul… parts that will likely never be the same. Yet, there is no pressure. They love me (period). They accept me as I am – bruises, changes, and all.

So, thank you! Thank you to all those wonderful people in my life who have stood firm by my side and loved me… I don’t think I would have ever been able to smile and laugh again, if it weren’t for you. I hope you know how much I love you all, and I am eternally grateful for your friendship, acceptance, and love.

If you have ever experienced a severe loss and deep grief, then you probably already know that traumatic events do change who we are. These are big events that change how we look at life and the world around us. Maybe this strikes a chord with you too. What changes have you had to navigate on this journey? How do you manage those? We would love to hear your story. If you would like to share your experience or if you need a helping hand or maybe a virtual hug, let us know. We are here for you.

To leave a comment or story, go to the comments and leave us a note. * Who knows… your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

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Peace, Love and Grief… Have I Told You Lately?

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there’s no one above you
Fill, fill, fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that’s what you do

~ Van Morrison

I love that song… My favorite version, the one that makes me smile and cry at the same time, was performed by Rod Stewart on his 1993 Unplugged and Seated album. I can’t tell you how many days I walked in the door after a long day, only to be greeted by Bruce with a glass of wine and this song playing on the stereo. He would smile, take me in his arms, and as we danced there in the kitchen, he would whisper those lyrics in my ear. My heart stops every time I remember those precious moments.

Precious moments… That is what has filled my mind this week.

Our 15th wedding anniversary is tomorrow. However, because I have had some time alone, I have been celebrating all weekend. Nothing big or crazy this year. I didn’t buy myself a gift, although I did buy some roses for the table. Mainly, because I know he would have done that… He always did.

I didn’t even take a sunrise walk on the beach this year. Honestly, I was awake in time, but instead, I wanted to just lie in our bed… in our room… and think about him… and us. There was just something about the warmth and security of our bed, that just held me there… longer than normal.

I did go for a long walk later in the afternoon. The tide was high and rough, so negotiating the shore was a struggle… But definitely worth every step. That is my happy place… The space where I can almost feel Bruce next to me. The space where I can talk to him out loud, and since no one else can hear me over the roar of the ocean, it feels so freeing. And there is something about knowing that his ashes were scattered out there that makes it such a precious space for me.

I didn’t go to our special restaurant this year. Things are too crazy in public, especially this weekend. There are people who are celebrating, and people who are angry. I definitely have my own opinions, but not this weekend. I just don’t want to get into the middle of something… Not this weekend, anyway. So, I had a steak dinner last night here at home… in our home… complete with champagne and dessert… and dancing along with a Jimmy Buffet concert playing on the TV.

Today, I have been listening to the music we used to enjoy and just thinking about us… Reading cards and emails we sent each other through the years. Honestly, I think this has been the best part of my weekend. I have smiled… and cried as I spend this day simply thinking about him… and us…

I remember meeting Bruce on a sailing schooner in the Virgin Islands, and my life changed forever…

I remember the two of us flying back and forth every three weeks between Michigan and South Carolina, falling more in love with every trip…

I remember when we finally decided we couldn’t do that anymore, and life changed my circumstances to make the “forever” decision even easier…

I remember moving to Michigan one autumn day and marrying this wonderful man a few days later…

I remember years of learning about each other and our love growing stronger day by day… year by year.

I remember moving to Florida, and how excited we were to embark on this new adventure… together.

I remember when we finally bought this little place on the coast – a place that was truly and completely ours

I remember so many days in between all of these… Days filled with love… Days filled with adventure… Days filled with frustration and growth… Days filled with life… our life.

I know those days are gone, and I know those days are over. I also know that I don’t know how to let them go… How to let him go… I can’t… Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. He is still such a big part of my soul, and I think that is just what it is.

So… Happy Anniversary, Babe… I love you so much… still…

Life moves on.
Time passes.
But my heart stands still;
Lost in a space
Where I can still hear your voice.
Where your smile still greets mine.
Frozen in this space
Where you should be…
But you aren’t.

~ Linda, April 2020

Special days and anniversaries seem to carry emotions that can overwhelm us even years later. Maybe this strikes a chord with you too. What special days have you had to navigate lately? What do you remember? How do you celebrate? How do you manage those emotions? We would love to hear your story. If you would like to share your experience or if you need a helping hand or maybe a virtual hug, let us know. We are here for you.

To leave a comment or story, go to the comments and leave us a note. * Who knows… your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

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Peace, Love and Grief… The Loss of a Friend

I want to tell you about my friend, Tom…

I met Tom when we were just kids… I mean young kids – not even teenagers yet. We went to the same church, and while Tom was a year or so younger than me, we were always in the same youth group and choir. Tom was always that skinny kid that simply loved the world and assumed the world loved him back. I would even dare to say that most of us thought of him as a little bit nerdy… But then again, so were most of us (at least, I know I was), so it was all fine. We all loved each other!

Tom had this amazing character… What I would call an “old soul.” For example, we all knew he was not the picture of health growing up. He had a heart condition, but he never let that define him. In fact, he never let it stop him from doing whatever he wanted… “Can’t” just never seemed to be a part of his vocabulary. He also had this way of seeing something special in everyone, (maybe that is why he loved us all). Here I was, this skinny, nerdy, awkward girl, who didn’t see herself as anything special, but Tom did. From the very beginning he told me that my smile lit up a room, and “Sunshine” became his nickname for me. (I still love that!)

Tom and I remained friends all through middle school and high school. However, as time passed, I moved away, and evidently so did he… And as it seems to happen often with childhood friends, we lost touch…

Then one day a few years ago, out of the blue, I received a Face Book message that started with “Hi there, Sunshine!” and immediately I knew who it was… and I smiled. Through the years, we have talked about the loss of his father, and my loss of Bruce. He would send me articles or blogs on grief that he thought might mean a lot to me, and they always seemed to be spot on. He was also one of my biggest supporters when it came to this blog – commenting on specific posts or sharing it on his own wall several times a year.

Despite the years that had passed, he was still Tom… He was still kind, and he still believed that each person could make a difference. He still spoke his mind and welcomed discussions with people who had different thoughts and opinions than his own. He often said that change is only possible when both sides of an issue remain at the table – talking and sharing. He became my example to follow of never shutting the door on a difficult conversation.

So, when I wrote last week’s blog, which was about one of those discussions gone awry, I really didn’t think I would be writing a continuation this week… Yet here I am.

Last week, I wrote about my grief over the loss of our relationships with each other – all of us. I wrote about how we have let a stranger, named “Politics”, come between so many of us and the people we know and love. In many cases, I have observed people throwing away years of friendship… and for what? For things that seem to change with the next news story?

Yes, we can have our different opinions… We should… It is how we learn and grow… It is how we develop empathy for those around us. So, I wonder… do we have to behave as if we hate each other while doing that?

I don’t get it…

I also wrote about a particular post where friends were actually saying some pretty mean things about people and to people. There was even a point in the discussion where the topic at hand was tossed aside and the name-calling started. Yet even that wasn’t the end of it. The name-calling took on another twist, as people even started making fun of a person’s name… Tom’s name… Seriously? I couldn’t believe it. What was happening? How did we get here? When did we forget to love each other? My heart was breaking with each word on the screen.

I had a feeling when I wrote that blog, I would get a message from Tom. I knew he would read it. I knew he would recognize the post, and I knew he would reach out to me… but he didn’t… not a word… It was crickets.

Then a couple of days later, I learned why…

Tom died.

Just like that.

He is gone.

I cried as read the words posted on his Face Book wall… First, I cried for Tom. He gave so much to so many, and I know he wouldn’t have felt like he was done. I also cried for Tom’s wife, because I know how painful her loss must be… I know the road ahead of her. (Widowhood is an exclusive club that no one wants to join.). Then, I cried for me, and how much I will miss his kind words and support. I will miss his example of trying to make this world a better place. Finally, I cried for our friends. I can’t imagine how it must feel to know that your last words to a life-long friend were those of an emotionally-charged argument… I cried for all of us.

Even now, days later when I think of all of this, I cry…

What happened to us? At what point did we become those people who resort to name calling when a discussion gets tough? When did we start believing in violence and anger at all costs? When did we stop respecting each other’s right to a different opinion? When did we stop listening to each other and looking for common ground to build on? When did we stop caring about and loving one another? Shoot… When did we forget what love truly is?

Then on Friday, I read another post from a friend who is a retired Methodist pastor. Her words, which are much more eloquent than my own, gave me a starting point in this chaos… and that gives me hope.

We have real problems that cannot be solved until our moral compass is reset. God change our hearts for good. Give us courage to do that which is honorable and right. Help us be not afraid to welcome and love one another. Lead us, Lord. Lead us into righteousness. May my will be your will. Amen.” ~ Lib Campbell, founder of

My heart has been broken this week, as I say good-bye to another friend. Good friends – friends who stick with you through the good and the bad, are a rare and precious gift. Tom was such a gift.

I know these are also crazy times, and many of us have lost friends and loved ones. We have had to say good-bye from a distance, and that, in and of itself, is another hardship… But we are not alone. We have the choice to stick together… to be kind and to support each other. Maybe this strikes a chord with you too. Has anyone else felt grief over our current situation? Does anyone else know what I mean?

These are tough times and perhaps dealing with our personal loss makes us a little more sensitive to any grief we might be feeling about our political climate, as well. Let us know what you think. We would love to hear your story. If you would like to share your experience or if you need a helping hand or maybe a virtual hug, let us know. We are here for you.

To leave a comment or story, go to the comments and leave us a note. * Who knows… your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

* Be advised that all comments are subject to approval prior to posting. Any comments determined to be spam or not in accordance with the mission of this website/blog will not be approved or posted. Furthermore, any comments determined to be hostile in nature will be reported to the proper authorities. Thank you.

Peace, Love and Grief… Grieving the Loss of Us

I will bet when most people read this week’s title, they might assume I mean “us” as in “Bruce and I,” but I don’t. I am referring to a grief over the loss of “us” as friends… “us” as a group of caring, loving people. This is a loss that hit me last Sunday like a semi-trailer on the highway and has left me in tears as I contemplate shattered friendships.

Last Sunday, as I was scrolling through Face Book, I came across a friend’s post with a political opinion… Nothing new. It’s everywhere these days. There is no escaping it. I have my own opinion. Some of my friends have similar opinions and others do not. That is okay. I genuinely believe we all come from different backgrounds with different experiences which creates different opinions. I respect that.

Usually, I will scroll past those that are aggressive or argumentative in nature… Perhaps you know the ones I am talking about. I don’t like the name calling or the insistence that everyone must think like the person posting. Our country was born out of a desire to have our own opinions, whether it was about religion, politics, or anything else. We fought for the right to express ourselves through free speech and fair elections. I may be naïve, but I still believe in all of that.

I respect everyone’s right to a different opinion. I welcome a respectful conversation, where we can talk about those differences. What I miss… What I grieve is the loss of our ability to respect each other and to work together to find some common ground that will work for all of us.

Because this ability to respect and listen to each other seems to be missing these days, I scroll past a lot of stuff on Face Book, and have even chosen to “unfollow” some people. We’re still friends. (I wouldn’t “unfriend” someone for a difference of opinion or a feisty post.) I still care about them… I still check in on their pages every now and then to see how they are doing. I would never shut the door to a respectful conversation… I just don’t want to see all the arguments and name-calling. I believe we are better than that…

Anyway, what caught my attention on this particular post was the fact that most of the comments (and arguing) came from other people who are also my friends, or at least they were at one time. (Some of them I have not reconnected with, but I recognize their names.) This particular group of people are ones I grew with in church. They were the people from my church’s youth group many years ago. These people were my friends for over a decade, and I cherish each one.

For years, we were there for each other as we struggled to find our way on a Christian path from childhood through our teen years. These were the friends who listened empathetically as we poured our hearts out to each other. We were there for each other… We picked each other up when we stumbled. We held each other when we cried, and we celebrated each other’s victories… We were solid unit – a loving force to be reckoned with.

In fact, one of my favorite memories is of our choir days. I can’t even count the number of Sunday nights when we stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the church and sang, “They will know we are Christians by our love…”

Now, I think of that, and I cry…

What happened to us? At what point did we become those people who call each other names, (even to the point of making fun of each other’s names)? Or sanction hitting a woman? When did we start believing in violence and anger at all costs? When did we stop respecting each other’s right to a different opinion? When did we stop listening to each other and looking for common ground? When did we stop caring about and loving one another? Shoot… When did we forget what love actually is?

When did we forget that… “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4 – 7

So, all week I have cried, and I have grieved… I have grieved because somewhere along the way, so many of us, (even those who say they believe in love and God and faith and all that goes with that), have become so caught up in our own opinions, we’ve quit caring about each other as people. This is what I grieve over – the loss of “us” … A people united despite and because of our differences.

I know… This week I am talking about a different kind of grief. But we are all in the middle of this. We can all see it. Does it bring you pain, too? Has anyone else felt grief over our current situation? Does anyone else know what I mean? These are tough times and perhaps dealing with our personal loss might make us a little more in tuned to any grief we might be feeling about our political climate, as well. Let us know what you think. We would love to hear your story. If you would like to share your experience or if you need a helping hand or maybe a virtual hug, let us know. We are here for you.

To leave a comment or story, go to the comments and leave us a note. * Who knows… your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

* Be advised that all comments are subject to approval prior to posting. Any comments determined to be spam or not in accordance with the mission of this website/blog will not be approved or posted. Furthermore, any comments determined to be hostile in nature will be reported to the proper authorities. Thank you.

Peace, Love, and Grief – Finding Peace

This weekend has been such a blessing… a blessing I didn’t even know I needed. (And aren’t those sometimes the best blessings of all?)

I came here, to this house at the beach, (on the marsh, actually), to spend some much-needed time with my sister. We’ve been wanting to get together for a while, but with everything Covid, we kept postponing it. Then, last week, we decided we both just needed some sister-time. We are both very careful about where we go and who we are with, so we made the decision to spend a few days together – just the two of us.

That decision was a great one. This has been great! Our time together is always such a blessing – filled with late night talks and more laughter than either of us knows what to with. But that isn’t the only blessing I have found this weekend… It is this place… She is a magical place that has held years of peaceful healing for me… She is Edisto… Or as the locals call her, Edi-slow. And that’s exactly what happens here… Life slows down so you can get your bearings and find your peace once again.

When I was in college and had just broken up with a boyfriend of many years, she was here. I walked her beaches for days while letting her peaceful shores refill my soul. Every year while my kids were growing up, my sister and I would meet here with all the kids and spend a week on her shores. For me, it was my favorite week of the year. It was much-needed time away from the chaos of my first marriage. It was a week to refresh my soul and take a deep breath before I dove back into my life “back home.” and it was a heart-warming time of family and watching our children learn to love this place of sun, shore, and a slower pace of life.

During the three years it took to get divorced, I remember my sister saying, “Go to the beach house… Spend some time by the water and let Edisto do her magic… And I did… a lot! Every time I arrived filled with anxiety and worry. And after a few hours, I left every time with peace once again restored in my heart.

Through the years, the view has changed. My sister has moved from the beach side to the river… Now when I come here, I can still walk the shoreline, but I am blessed with some quiet, porch-sittin’, as well. I love watching the life on the river and in the marsh… And the peace that I have always found here is still here. It is in every salty breath I take. It is in the sunsets over the river and the early morning cup of tea as I sit on the dock watching the world wake up and come to life.

All the cares and anxiety I felt two days ago… gone. The tears I usually cry into my pillow at night… not here. Here, I miss Bruce, and I talk about Bruce. However, I am also at peace about where I have been and where the road ahead might lead. Because here I am reminded that life is precious, and there is something to be cherished in every moment.

Here, I can sit on the porch for hours, mesmerized as I watch the boats and the dolphin travel up and down the river with the tides… And without even realizing when it happened… Without even knowing I needed to be here… Edisto has once again worked her magic and touched my soul.

What about you? Do you have a place that just heals your heart? That touches your soul no matter how broken you might feel? This journey can be hard and confusing. Having a space that feels safe and brings us peace, is such a blessing. Let us know where you go to heal or what you do. We would love to hear your story. If you would like to share your experience or if you need a helping hand or maybe a virtual hug, let us know. We are here for you.

To leave a comment or story, go to the comments and leave us a note. * Who knows… your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

* Be advised that all comments are subject to approval prior to posting. Any comments determined to be spam or not in accordance with the mission of this website/blog will not be approved or posted. Furthermore, any comments determined to be hostile in nature will be reported to the proper authorities. Thank you.

Peace, Love and Grief… What’s Right or What’s Best

As a child, I was raised to “be good” – to do “what’s right” … always. While B’s might be occasionally tolerated, A’s in school were expected… That was “what’s right.” Discipline was strict, but the rules and expectations were clear… I won’t list them all here, because I can sum them up by saying we were simply expected to do “what’s right.” I’m not complaining about how I was raised. For me and most of my friends, this was the norm. Our parents did the best they knew, (as we all do), and they wanted the best for their children. In that place, in that time, and in our circle doing “what’s right” was just the way of things.

That “do what’s right” mindset followed me into adulthood. In fact, when I was younger, one of the few times I purposely deviated from it, I ended up with not very stellar results. It is how I ended up pregnant and unmarried. It is how I ended up leaving college before I graduated, and ultimately, how I ended up in a violent marriage.

This experience taught me just how important it was to do “what is right.” I spent the next 20+ years trying to perfect my ability to do “what is right.” Everything I did or said was evaluated and critiqued in my own mind… and by my first husband. The discouraging part was that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t seem to get it right… But that didn’t stop me from trying. My (then) husband wanted a family that was perfect – children who dressed and sang like the Von Trapp children; a table set with cloth napkins and a tablecloth for every meal; dinners that consisted of nothing less than 3 courses… and the list goes on and on. It seemed that nothing was ever quite good enough. To do “what was right,” everything had to have the ultimate goal of “more” … or “bigger” … or “better.”

Back then, “perfection” was always the end goal, and doing “what’s right” was the only way to get there… Maybe it was because my heart wasn’t in it, or maybe it was because the goal was impossible, but needless to say, I rarely felt successful… In my mind, I seemed to fail at life… a lot.

It took a long time, but the next time I purposely decided not to do what was considered “right” was terrifying. After 20 years of a dysfunctional and violent marriage, I decided to leave. I was so scared of making this decision that when I talked to our priest, I told him I knew I would go to hell for what I was about to do, but I was already living in hell, so it didn’t really matter. For the record, he corrected me. He told me that God never expected me to sacrifice myself or my kids to my first husband’s temper… He gave me permission not to do “what’s right.” Instead, he introduced me to the idea of doing “what’s best.”

For the first week after I left, I couldn’t tell anyone… not even my own parents. I was too scared people would tell me I had to go back… They would say I had to do “what’s right,” while in my heart, I knew I couldn’t do that anymore.

It took three, long, hard years to get divorced. During that time, I listened to a lot of people tell me I was wrong to leave – it just wasn’t “right.” I dealt with the anger and accusations of my first husband and his family. I listened as parents of my students complained that I no longer qualified as a “Christian” teacher in our small parochial school. I listened as people whispered about me in our small-town choir and church. I listened as my best friend walked away. She had judged my decision and, while she had witnessed the abuse, in her mind, my leaving wasn’t “right” … In other words, many people had judged my actions as not “right.” In their minds, the reasons didn’t matter… I simply came up lacking.

However, also during this time, there were actually more people who listened than talked… more people who had suspected what our life had been like… more people who befriended and supported me and my children. These were not people who cared so much about doing “what’s right.” Instead, they were caring people who understood the need to do “what’s best.” These were the people I began to seek out. These were the people who helped me start on a path toward healing.

Move ahead several years and there was Bruce… He walked into my life when I wasn’t even looking, and even after hearing about all the baggage from my past, he stayed… He stayed, and he loved…. And through that love, he created a lot of healing. My kids and I learned what love really is. We learned what a healthy man is like and what a healthy marriage really is. He even helped me stop worrying about doing “what’s right.” Instead, he showed me how to look at things and determine “what’s best.” It was such a freeing way to think about my life. I began to have more confidence in myself and my own ability to determine what was the best course of action… And to own those decisions because they were mine.

Sadly, our time together was too short. I thought we would have a “happily ever after,” but that was not to be. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, he was gone… Suddenly, I was alone, and in shock. I wasn’t sure how to even move forward. I didn’t know how to be a widow… I didn’t know what needed to be done legally, socially, or emotionally. It was too much… And suddenly, I found myself back where I had been years before … I just wanted to do it “right.”

I spent years searching for the “right” things to do so I could “heal.” I wanted a checklist that would guarantee a feeling of being whole again once completed. I wanted to be a “good” widow. I wanted to say the right things and do the right things…

And so, once again, I found myself on that senseless road of doing “what’s right.” I spent years doing so many pointless things because they were the “right thing.” Or listening to people give me advice while seething on the inside. Instead of just stopping the conversation or walking away, I kept trying to be a “good widow.” I thought I needed to be nice, because that was “right.”

I don’t know if it was two years later or six years later… I’m not sure if it was a specific incident or through my search for a deeper understanding of who Bruce was and how he thought. In other words, I’m not sure exactly when it happened or what triggered it, but eventually, I started waking up again… I started remembering all the things Bruce had taught me about doing “what’s best.”

Even now, I can’t say I always get it right. After all, it isn’t the way I was raised, and Bruce isn’t here to encourage it. However, he did leave me a great legacy… a legacy that says I do know enough to decide “what’s best” for me versus letting society tell me I need to strive for the perfection of “what’s right.”

And as a woman… a woman who now finds herself alone… Choosing “what’s best” has been a huge part of my healing and learning to survive on this journey.

What about you? Do you know what I mean? Does any of that sound familiar? How about yourself? Do you ever find yourself doing “what’s right” even though it may not be what is best? Did you struggle with trying to be a “good widow?” This journey can be hard and confusing, especially when we let others tell us how to do it. Let us know what you think. We would love to hear your story. If you would like to share your experience or if you need a helping hand or maybe a virtual hug, let us know. We are here for you.

To leave a comment or story, go to the comments and leave us a note. * Who knows… your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

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Peace, Love and Grief… Trying to Be That Person

Lately I have gotten hooked on an old series on Netflix, and while watching it this week, one of the characters’ fiancé dies. Admittedly, it was hard to watch, and what followed was equally hard to watch. Why? Because it was one of the most realistic depictions of loss and grief, I have ever seen Hollywood do.

In the series, she is absolutely devastated. At first, she can’t leave his side. She knows he is dead, but there was a need to stay there… There is a need to still touch him. The thought of letting go and walking away… To leave him there – alone… that is more than she can handle.

I get that…

In the next scene, she is laying on her bathroom floor. She lays there for what seems to be days. Her friends come and go. They all lay on the floor beside her. Some try to talk her out of feeling the way she does. Some tell her that her fiancé wouldn’t want her to do “this.” Some just lay beside her, letting her grieve – simply a support in the storm. And some are honestly perplexed about what to do or say.

One of her friends even tells her exactly that… That she wishes she knew what to do or say to make it better, because she cares… She loves her friend, and it is hard to watch her hurting. However, she doesn’t know how or what will make it better. So, for a while, they just lay there in silence.

Then, the girl who is grieving says, “I know everyone cares. I know everyone wants me to be okay. They need me to put it behind me and be okay. But I don’t know how to do that… I want to do it for everyone else, but I don’t know how to be that person.”

I get that… Boy, do I get that!

Finally, in one of the last scenes that I watched; she is in her kitchen cooking. It is obvious she has been cooking a lot. She looks around the room as if she has just realized where she is and what she has been doing. Then, in a dazed, confused voice she says, “I’ve cooked enough.” Yet, before the words are even out of her mouth, she opens the cookbook and starts another recipe.

That lost feeling… That feeling that you need to do somethinganything other than stare at the wall… I get that too!

All those emotions hit so close to my heart…

I remember when Bruce died. I remember staying with him for hours while people came and went – always checking to if I was okay… If I was “ready” for the Medical Examiner to “take the body.” I hated that phrase. It sounded so cold. This wasn’t “a body.” It was Bruce! Didn’t they understand that just a few short hours before he was kissing me goodnight, and I was snuggled in his arms? No… I wasn’t “ready” to leave him. How can anyone be “ready”?

I remember coming home and feeling lost… totally bewildered about what to do next. Over the next few days, family and friends came and went. Some helped manage the house and feed all the guests. Others guided me through the process of funeral homes and paperwork. And still others just sat with me… I needed them all. I had no idea how to even breathe at that point, much less how to handle the “business” of death.

Over the next few weeks, I struggled with the idea that life just kept going. I needed the world to stop… just for a little while… just until I could catch my breath. But the world didn’t stop… And I didn’t know how to jump back in and keep going.

So, I did the only thing I knew to do… I went back to work… And I worked a lot. At first, I went into the office. However, facing people, talking to people, hearing their laughter in the hallway… It was all more than I could handle. So, I closed the world out for a while… literally. I started either closing the door to my office or I simply worked from home as much as possible. Then, I went about the work of staying very busy… mainly because I was too scared of what might happen if I dared to slow down or stop.

Those days were hard. Shoot, even now when I think about them, I realize how raw those emotions still are. I know it has been a long time since that night he died. I know I should “be over it.” But the truth is, it still hurts – some days less than others… But it’s always there – just under the surface.

So, if I am honest, I too would say, “I know everyone cares. I know everyone wants me to be okay. They need me to put it behind me and be okay. But I don’t know how to do that… I want to do it for everyone else… but I don’t know how to be that person.”

What about you? Do you know what I mean? Does any of that sound familiar? How about yourself? How did you initially handle the shock of your loss? Have you figured out how to be that person? Let us know… We would love to hear your story. If you would like to share your experience or if you need a helping hand or maybe a virtual hug, let us know. We are here for you.

To leave a comment or story, go to the comments and leave us a note. * Who knows… your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

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Peace, Love and Grief… Grace

Grace… There are several definitions, but kind of grace I am referring to is defined as “courteous goodwill” or “free and unmerited favor or blessing.” In other words, being “caring” or “being kind to” someone (period)… Not because it is earned or deserved, but just because.

I know the love between Bruce and me felt like grace. It was unconditional and ongoing no matter what was happening in our lives. We both had our good days and our bad, and we loved each other through all of it. So, when I say we loved each other, it was with the grace of unconditional love.

Of course, there were times when we were frustrated or angry with each other. However, when nighttime came, we put all of it aside, because when all was said and done, our love was greater than our anger. Every night, we kissed, went to bed together… And slept in each other’s arms. There was a grace between us that wouldn’t allow for anything less.

When Bruce died, I felt the loss of that daily grace down to the depths of my soul. I think in many ways that may have been (and still is) the hardest part to heal. You see, I had never experienced anything like that before Bruce… And I’m not sure I ever will again.

A couple of months before I met Bruce, I remember my mother saying, “You need someone to love you like God does – but with skin on.” … And that was Bruce… that was our love… A love filled with grace. So, when it was gone, I was devastated… Because it also seemed like all grace was gone.

I know in the beginning, I was so hurt and angry, I didn’t have any grace for anyone. People tried (in the only ways they knew) to reach out or to say the “right thing.” I think I did a lot of smiling on the outside while seething on the inside. I KNOW I spent way too much time dwelling on why this or that response was wrong or hurtful. And yes, they were… However, the hearts and motivation behind those responses weren’t. People meant well… They wanted to help. However, at the time, I couldn’t find the grace to see that.

It took me years to be able to smile with grace and see the love behind the statements that can hurt on the surface. Sure, there are times even now, when I have to smile and walk away, because what is said can still hurt. The difference is I’m not angry anymore.

Instead, I have come to feel a grace that is greater than me… And this grace allows me to see the love and compassion that motivated the response or advice. It is such a different response from me than in the past. I am no longer left drained emotionally or angry about those things which are actually born out of good intentions. In other words, the grace that started with Bruce and me is still inside me somewhere… It just took me a while to find it again.

But… This story doesn’t end there… You see, there is another person in need of that grace. Another person who, for years now, has struggled with showing that same grace to herself – me.

While I have no regrets about our time together, I still struggle with guilt about the night Bruce died… The night he needed me, and in my own eyes, I failed him. Yes, rationally I understand there was nothing I could do to save him that night. However, in my heart, I struggle to offer myself the grace of accepting that reality.

When Bruce and I were married, he showed me how to relax… how to enjoy life. We had our routine at night, where once dinner was over and things were cleaned up, that was the signal that work for the day was done… It was over. The next hour or so was ours. Some nights we sat and talked; others we watched TV or went for a walk. It didn’t matter… Every night we gave each other the grace to simply “be done.”

The weekends were similar. One day was spent doing those things we had to do, and the other was spent together… not working… but giving each other the grace to rest for a day and just love each other.

That is a grace I am still struggling to embrace again…

I guess since Bruce died, (perhaps to avoid the pain), I continually fill the time being busy. I seem to have “a gift” for finding things that need to be done. It has finally reached a point, lately, where I realized I won’t even watch TV without doing some household chore at the same time. In fact, allowing myself any “leisure time” has become pretty much non-existent.

Why? Why can’t I allow myself the grace to rest?

Honestly, I think there are probably many reasons. First, I think I’m scared to allow myself the grace to slow down and feel. I know how hard it can be to find the balance between feeling what I feel and falling into a deep, depressive grief wave. Another reason is likely that I’m not sure I deserve any time to rest, (which probably goes into a whole other can of guilt worms). However, the bottom line is I haven’t given myself the grace to say, “Yes. You can rest. It’s okay.”

This is the spot where I find myself lately. The spot where I offer myself the same grace that I offer others. The spot where I offer myself the same grace Bruce and I offered each other… The grace to “be done” for the day… The grace to rest and the grace to enjoy life… once again.

What about you? Do you know what I mean? Have you ever struggled to offer grace to others? How about yourself? Have you ever found yourself staying busy to avoid the pain? Or is there something else you do? Let us know… We would love to hear your story. If you would like to share your experience or if you need a helping hand or maybe a virtual hug, let us know that, as well. We are here for you.

To leave a comment or story, go to the comments and leave us a note. * Who knows… your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

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Peace, Love and Grief… Being Patient

That’s what people never tell you, about the real fundamental, life-giving stuff you lose when someone you love leaves. You lose the part of you that only they knew. You lose some of your story. It simply dies.” ~ John Pavolitz

Bruce… God I miss him. While I have a few close friends (some related to me, some not), there is a part of me that only he knew. For whatever reason, he was the one I trusted with certain parts of my soul. He was the one who knew the secrets I was too shy or too scared to share with anyone else… And he loved me anyway. In many ways, he knew me better than I know myself… (Although, his legacy and this journey since he died have continually opened a lot of those doors for me.)

I think that is why it has been such a struggle since he died… Because that loss of self is so real and so true. I didn’t just lose Bruce that night. When I look at all the spaces he filled in my world, I come to realize that I also lost a thousand other things when he died. And one of the hardest is the fact that I lost a part of my own story that night.

It felt as if, suddenly, the book was finished. It was done. There was no ending – only a beautiful beginning and a wonderful storyline that for some reason just stopped. It was over, and I never found the resolution that should have come with the fairy tale I was living. We had lived “happily,” but I had lost my “happily ever after.” Instead, the story was over, which included a big part of my story, as well.

I guess that’s a part of the grieving process… Trying to find my own story again. It’s hard. I spent years feeling hopeless and lost. Then, I would tentatively take a step or two forward, but honestly, there is a guilt that comes with that. I can’t explain it, but for so long, I felt guilty for living my life while knowing that Bruce’s life was over.

As the years have passed, I have learned to move forward. I have learned my triggers that will spiral me deep down into grief, and I have learned how to push myself forward even when I don’t feel like it… But it’s still not easy. It’s a process.

Widowhood is the long learning to do without the presence of the loved one. It is a task demanding the utmost patience, and a willingness to look, again and again, at those paths and places where the loved one walked, sat, lived, and slept, and does so no more.” ~ Martha Hickman, Healing After Loss

I imagine it might seem a bit frustrating to those around me. It’s probably hard to understand…

After all, I’m not who I was… I can’t be. For their sakes, I wish I could… That would probably be easier. But that story ended over seven years ago, and no matter how hard I try or how much I wish, I can’t go back. I know I’m different now. But aren’t we all? Don’t we all change and grow throughout our lives? Isn’t that what we are supposed to do? Granted, for some of us it might be a more sudden or extreme change, but none of us are the same person we were seven years ago.

Even now, there are times when I still feel so alone on this journey… so out of sync with everyone else around me… But that’s okay… I’m okay. Ultimately, life is a process… an on-going story. Yes, a chapter of my story ended and with it a big part of my story is gone… but not the whole story. No… My story is still being written… I just need to be patient.

I am so thankful for all the people who have supported me through the years… All those who have loved me and accepted that this is now a part of who I am. They have been a big part of my healing and their love has allowed me to keep putting one foot in front of the other. What about you? Have you ever struggled to find support in the midst of your grief? Let us know… We would love to hear from you. If you would like to share your experience or if you need a helping hand or even a virtual hug, let us know that, as well. We are here for you.

To leave a comment or story, go to the comments and leave us a note. * Who knows… your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

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Peace, Love and Grief… How?

How do you offer support to someone you love or care about when they are grieving? How do you show that you care about their loss and their pain? How? … Honestly, I don’t really know. I’m pretty good at recognizing what not to do. But knowing what to do is another story. I think, perhaps, it is a moment by moment answer… I also think it depends on the person… And your relationship. I don’t think there is any, one, perfect answer.

It has been years since Bruce passed away. And in that time, so many people have walked beside me in an effort to offer support… Just the fact that they have tried means the world to me. I know in the beginning I was too hurt… the pain was too raw… to recognize their efforts for what they were – attempts to show me love… attempts to ease the pain. There were times when I got angry at things that were said, and I wrote about it…

If I’m honest, there were some things that should never have been said. There are some things that seemed to invalidate my experience and my feelings. But… at the core of it, I know the person saying it meant well… I don’t believe the intention was anything but good. I just couldn’t see that at the time. I couldn’t see past my own pain…

I had no idea how hard it was for them to see me lost in grief and know that there was really nothing anyone could do to make it better.

So, what do you do for someone when they are grieving?

It probably sounds weird. Through the years, I have watched as friends around me lost family members and expressed their grief and emotions. And while I know what not to say, I still struggle with what I should say… or do. At this point, one would think I should know. Shoot, I’ve been there… I’m still there… But the problem is everyone is different. Everyone responds to grief in their own way and needs different kinds of support.

Then, you throw in the relationship part… How close are you to the person? Are you family? Are you friends? Are you close or only acquaintances? Do you share a faith? All of that plays a part in what you can offer… Or does it?

When Bruce died, there were people whose relationship with me had distanced over time, (one was even a falling out), but these people showed up in my life with so much ferocity and love. They stood beside me through some of the hardest moments. They held me hand and pulled me close as I cried. They listened to me until the wee hours of the night and never made me feel like a nuisance.

There were other people whom I craved support from who were silent… It was quite surprising. At the time, rather than counting my blessings of those around me, I chose to be hurt by those who weren’t. I say that because it was my choice… I didn’t have to be hurt. Over the years, I have come to learn that for some of these people, they were going through their own personal “hell” and just had nothing left to give. (I get that!) Others just didn’t know how to respond. (I get that too… now.)

After all, we live in a culture that has a low tolerance for sadness or negative emotions. For some reason, we have come to a place where we think life should just be about happiness and sunshine. So, when it isn’t, what do we do? Some of us shove those feelings down deep so no one else can see them. Others of us try to talk about it in a safe space, and others might “overshare.” No matter what we do, though, grief comes at a cost… We are changed… We will never again be the people we were. And if you are on the other side of the grief looking in, how do you respond to that, as well?

As I have watched on Face Book the last few months, several friends have lost family members to either Covid, a myriad of other illnesses, or simply “old age.” Their pain is hard to watch, and many of them I only have contact with through Face Book. So, what do I do? What is the right way to show support and show that you care?

I have found a few things… They are kind of general, but I think these will be my guidelines going forward.

1. Don’t be afraid to visit.
I know I loved it when people dropped by. I loved the surprised of a caring hug in the middle of the day. I loved the conversation that usual centered around memories of Bruce. I loved that someone cared enough to drive all the way out to my place just to spend a few minutes with me. That was amazing in my book!

2. Understand that people grieve differently.
This can be hard, but I think if we can just respect everyone’s right to be who they are, and grieve in a way that allows them to not feel judged for what they feel and how they express it, that would be huge.

3. Accept that you can’t “fix” their feelings.
I knew no one could make it better. I think it’s normal to want to try to take the pain away, but you can’t. You have to “allow” them to have their feelings and the pain that goes with it. Honestly, I didn’t want anyone to take it away. I knew I had to figure it out… Grief creates its own journey, and there are no shortcuts.

4. Acknowledge the loss.
Sometimes the simplest, “I’m sorry” can mean the world. There were (and still are) so many times when someone says how sorry they are that Bruce is gone. “Me too,” is my usual response, but it means the world to me that they care too.

5. Listen.
This sounds easier than it is. We all like to give our opinions or advice. But, honestly, the grieving person just needs someone to listen… That’s it… Just listen.

6. Lessen the load.
For some this might mean bringing meals over or running errands for the person. In my case, this meant going with me when I had to take care of “widow” business. I had friends who took off from work and drove an hour to my house (several times) so that I wouldn’t have to go to the courthouse alone to file the necessary paperwork. This kind of support meant the world to me… Honestly, some of those papers probably wouldn’t have ever been filed if they hadn’t been there to hold my hand.

So, have I figured it all out? No! But… I am trying. If anything good can come from my own grief, maybe this is it… To just share what I have experienced so that we can all give each other the support we need when we need it…

I still grieve Bruce every day. Every time someone I know loses someone they love, my heart breaks for them, knowing how that pain can feel. I am so thankful for all the people who have supported me through the years… All those who have loved me and accepted that this is now a part of who I am. They have been a big part of my healing and their love has allowed me to keep putting one foot in front of the other. What about you? Have you ever struggled to find support in the midst of your grief? Let us know… We would love to hear from you. If you would like to share your experience or if you need a helping hand or even a virtual hug, let us know that, as well. We are here for you.

To leave a comment or story, go to the comments and leave us a note. * Who knows… your story may the answer for someone else.

This is a weekly blog, for daily affirmations we have a Facebook page of the same name. Join us daily at

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